So I finally got around to writing this. Today was the first day of classes, so the campus was bustling with students. With everyone moved in, it's become a pain to eat at any kind of normal time, especially for dinner. between 5:30 and 7:00 the dinning halls are packed beyond belief. But I've gotten into the habit of having a light breakfast of either fruit (they normally have a decent apple/orange/banana selection) and a yogurt. I still haven't figured out a good way to buy in bulk, but that's my goal over the next few days. Evidently there are some grocery stores somewhere along the several metro lines around campus, but I have yet to pinpoint them. But all and all, its not too bad. This morning I sat in on German 101, which was intimidating but interesting, then went straight to Calc 3 which I found surprisingly interesting. Although these were my only classes for the day (well, technically I had a physics lab section, but those don't meet for a couple of weeks), I'm currently enrolled in General Chemistry (5 units), Calculus 3 (4 units), Writing 1 (3 units), and Physics 197 (4 units) which is the slightly more in depth of the two introductory physics classes. I'm also wait-listed in Intro to Psych (3 units). If this seems like a lot, it is. My adviser suggested that taking physics, Calc, and gen chem all in one semester would be too science/math heavy and that I may burn out, so I've been considering dropping one of the three in favor of psych. Right now I'm leaning towards calc, but I'm still fairly undecided.
Today was also the first "official unofficial" meeting of the Club Running. I ran for the first time and even though I was in my old running shoes it felt GREAT. It was a short 4 mile out and back (with two very VERY small "hills"), but we ran rather fast. It felt so great to get out and stretch my legs with some good people. They meet three times a week, and then have another optional track workout on Mondays, so I think I'll join up with them. For a $25 membership fee, they subsidize all the races we enter, which ends up being a lot cheaper. The club seems like most of the fun of the varsity XC team, with considerably less time commitment which seems like a great trade off. Speaking of sports, they had a small club sports fair, with sports like rock climbing, ultimate frisbee, rowing and tae kwan doe.
Everything is really exciting! Hopefully I'll get a chance to update everybody more often, but I love you all and I can't wait to see everybody soon!