Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bad Week (part 1)

The last week or so has been kind of rough. It started last Thursday with a physics test, then an essay due and my EST 2nd round interview on Friday. Saturday and Sunday were spent studying for a psych test on Monday, and a chem test on Tuesday. Not to mention a physics lab on Tuesday and a chem lab on Thursday. So all in all it's been a rough week.
The tests were all fairly straight forward. The physics test went quite well, and I ended up getting a 92% which I was very happy with. The psych test went surprisingly well, considering that I had gone to the Vampire Weekend concert (WHICH WAS AWESOME) the night before. But a friend on my floor had sat me down and essentially tested/quizzed me for a couple hours after the concert which helped immensely. The chemistry test was a bear. Rumors had been circulating for a while about how hard the test was supposed to be. Supposedly last year, the average on the first test was a 31%. So all of us were nervous for good reason. As a floor a bunch of us studied together for a long time the night before, and all of us commented how we had never had to study quite like this an exam. The test itself was hard. An hour and a half, and most people I talked to didn't finish. I worked fast, and was able to write down something for each problem which was an accomplishment in itself. I ended up getting a 76%, which was good considering the average was 64%, and an A was a 75% and above!
The EST interview was... interesting. It was set up to have 3 rooms. The first room was a big semi circle of people, everybody laughing and very casual. The room was filled with good karma and general good vibes. Then after 15 minutes or so, they called me out and took me to the second room, which was polar opposite. It was a small, dimly lit room, where everybody was in suits. They didn't introduce themselves, and all their questions were very negative. I knew they were trying to play good cop/bad cop, and intimidate us to see how we'd hold up under pressure, but it was still not a very fun interview. I tried my best to stay positive and friendly, and in the end it worked out. Yesterday, after refreshing my email for the whole week, I finally got an email, and I got called back to a 3rd interview!
But that's about it for the good news. On Wednesday I was feeling pretty crummy, and then Thursday I felt terrible. I ended up deciding not to go to classes, and go to student health services (SHS) and get myself checked out. Turns out I have mono. And a sinus infection. AND I found out that triceratops don't exist. Or rather were never real. So all in all, Thursday was a bad day.
Luckily, SHS was able to call a local pharmacy that delivers to the dorms, and so I got some sudafed, prescription strength ibuprofen, and some nasal spray. Good times!
Today I feel pretty crappy, and literally stayed in bed till 12. Slowly but steadily I'll get better. The real bummer was that this weekend is a huge free concert that's put on twice a week called WILD (Walk In, Lay Down), so I'll be stuck sleeping in the dorms while everybody else is off having fun. But, as my RA said, there are still 7 more!

Anyways, that's the major (long overdue) update.
Miss and love everybody!


  1. OH!! Brendancito... Please feel better muy pronto! Thanks for keeping us in the loop... I'm sending lots of good, healing, positive thoughts your way!!

  2. Also, PS Great job on those tests... whew! You're doing great!!

  3. Hope you get better real soon.
    Congrats on the grades!
    Se you in a couple weeks!
